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Current Projects

Living Memory Home for Dementia Care Pairs (LMH-4-DCP)

Will soon be recruiting: Dementia Care Dyads: Caregivers and Persons with Dementia


The goal of LMH-4-DCP, funded by the National Institute on Aging, is to create a pre-loss, reminiscence-based web intervention for family caregivers and the persons they care for with early to moderate stages of dementia. The aim of our study is to gather input from dementia care experts, current as well as bereaved family caregivers, and individuals with mild to moderate dementia to inform the development of the LMH-4-DCP web application. As a research participant, you will be asked to participate in a one on one interview via telephone or Zoom with a member of our research team where we will present you with our proposed website features and solicit your feedback on our website’s features, design, proposed website modifications, and study activities.

Eligibility Requirements:

Dementia Family Caregivers: must 1) be a family member/friend who provides (or provided within the last 2 years) a majority of care for a person in the early to moderate stages of ADRD; 2) 18 years of age or older; 3) be English-speaking; 4) is able to use the internet and has internet access at home; 5) reside in the United States

Dementia Care Experts: Must 1) be over the age of 18-years-old; 2) have experience with development and implementation of resources in dementia care organizations and/or have experience serving families impacted by dementia; 3) English speaking; 4) reside in the United States.

Past and Upcoming Projects

The ENRICH Project

This study, funded by the National Institute on Aging, focuses on studying psychosocial well-being, unmet needs, and supportive service use in dementia family caregivers. Primary caregivers are family and/or friends who provide a majority of the care required for an individual with Alzheimer’s disease/dementia. The goal of the study is to better understand the psychosocial needs of caregivers and examine the types of resources and support services that would be most beneficial to promote the well-being of caregivers. Findings from this study will be used to develop programs designed to alleviate stress and enhance well-being in dementia caregivers.


CarePair is an online tool designed for caregivers of individuals with dementia, offering personalized support through a brief survey to assess specific needs, preferences, and location. It directs caregivers to tailored resources such as fact sheets, videos, virtual classes, and both virtual and in-person support services. By bridging the gap between existing formal and informal dementia services and caregivers' awareness and accessibility to said services, CarePair streamlines the process, empowering caregivers to navigate their caregiving journey with confidence and ease.

Coming soon.